
March 31, 2019

A few days ago, one of our users contacted us to let us know that the IBAN included in our donation page was not correct and did not allow to send us some money; we have now fixed that information, and while updating the site content, we can take the chance to provide also some insights on how the project is going.

Boringly reliable; almost.

December 24, 2017

When dealing with security, boring is not that bad an attribute as it may otherwise sounds.

Clipperz has been running prettly smoothly lately, with some degradation of server-side performances we haven’t solved yet, but that is not so bad to negatively impact regular use of our application. stats

Nonetheless, from time to time some hiccups happen also to our smoothly running service; and last Sunday morning was such a time.

Clipperz reloaded

November 26, 2016

Clipperz is now re-focusing on beeing a great, free, password manager; in order to focus better on these goals, Blockchain related features (certificates) have been removed from the application.

Blockchain notarization features are now part of Marco newly incorportated venture and his shares in the company have been acquired by Imola Informatica.

Imola Informatica has been following Clipperz activities since the very beginning (Giulio Cesare has also been a former employee) and has always shared Clipperz core values and vision about privacy and security.

With its support, Imola Informatica wants to push forward the availability of privacy-respecting tools to everybody.

Clipperz is now managed by a board composed by Filippo Bosi (president) and Giulio Cesare Solaroli (vice-president).

A brand new Clipperz!

July 06, 2015

Clipperz was launched on April 2007 and since then not much changed in the design of its user interface. We’ve been continuosly improving the underlying crypto and the application logic to make Clipperz faster and more reliable. But we never touched that 2007 look.
Well, today we are happy and proud to announce a brand new design along with several new features you’ve been waiting for so long.

new adaptive Clipperz interface

New team member

April 28, 2015

We’re excited to announce a great addition to the Clipperz team: Dario Chiappetta. As an experienced software engineer, Dario will add more coding power to Clipperz. Looking forward to your commits! :)

Dario Chiappetta

New faster server

November 02, 2014

Starting from today, the main Clipperz server is located in Amsterdam. At the same time we are keeping a backup server in Reykjavík where data are mirrored.
Why this redundant setup? To get the best of both worlds: an hyperconnected data center on mainland Europe, combined with the protection offered by Icelandic legal system.

(Image from SubmarineCableMap.com)

Clipperz is hiring a developer

July 28, 2014

We are looking for a developer interested in working on the Clipperz UI and, most notably, to become a full-time employee and a relevant shareholder in the company.

Help wanted

Web crypto: moving forward

June 12, 2014

I really appreciated Tim Bray’s post “Trusting browser code”. His pragmatism resonated with me and Giulio Cesare. At Clipperz we’ve been dealing with the issue of secure Javascript code delivery since 2006, but this is still an open issue that is eventually attracting the attention of some bright minds.
This post is an effort to reaching out to the small community of people interested in web crypto in order to share ideas and perspectives.

Tim Bray
(Photo of Tim Bray from AndroidGuys)