clipperz.bit, living on the blockchain

April 08, 2014

Resiliency is a quality Clipperz has committed itself since its inception. Just think of the offline copy, the open source code, the relocation to Iceland, the OTPs, … all these feats came from the desire of building an [online password manager][home] capable to resist difficulties or quickly recover from them. An ongoing endeavour that still has the highest priority. Especially now that someone is clearly aiming to stop it.


Clipperz financials 2013

April 07, 2014

All things considered, 2013 was a decent year for Clipperz. We didn’t expect any revenues from paid subscribers, but we wished to be able to launch the paid service by the end of the year. We missed that deadline on purpose, because we didn’t feel comfortable asking for (crypto) money until we can provide a good mobile experience. And designing a good interface takes time, especially when usability is intertwined with security.

Clipperz financials are trustworthy!

Going bankless

March 12, 2014

A few weeks ago the bank Clipperz has been using for years informed us that they have unilaterally decided to terminate our bank account. Why? No reason given, at least on paper. Informally we’ve been told that they were troubled by our fraudulent wires story. (click the image below to download the complete letter in PDF)

Termination letter from Banca Etica

Christmas maintenance

December 23, 2013

During the Christmas day, Giulio will be performing extensive maintenance on Clipperz infrastructure. Nothing to be worried about, but it will require a few hours downtime.

Santa at his desk

Giulio talks about single-page web apps at JS Day 2013

May 17, 2013

We are just back from JS Day 2013, a really stimulating conference on Javascript held in Verona (Italy). Giulio gave a talk on what he learned about designing and building single-page web applications. And given that Clipperz online password manager is probably the most extreme case of this kind of apps, he knows quite a lot on this topic that is also strictly related to the security architecture of Clipperz. See his slide deck below.

Charting the history of passwords

January 10, 2011

I’ve played a little with Google’s new ngram app that, by searching all the digitized books, allows you trace the usage of a word over time. And of course I’ve tested it with “passwords” getting a quite interesting result.

occurrence of the term “password” in digitized books